Star rank and Handle rank

  1. Star Rank
  2. How to get one-three star(s) rank at Grand Prix
  3. Handle Rank

# Star Rank

The Gold Tires are unlocked by obtaining a minimum of one star ranking in all cups of every engine class.

Maximum is three stars.
But there is no bonus when getting two or three stars.


# How to get one-three star(s) rank at Grand Prix

  1. To get many drivres points. You have to earn 40 points (win all races) to get three stars rank.
  2. To run in the first place for a long time.
  3. To finish in good time.
  4. To do rocket start and mini-turbos.
  5. Not to drive in the dirt. It would be deduction even if you missed the course in the shortcut.
  6. To hit the item to rivals.


# Handle Rank

To drive with gyro sensors "handle operation mode", you can get the hande rank.
Handle rank and handle of your kart becomes gold when you drive with "handle operation mode" for 50 races.

However, there is no bounus when getting handle rank.


HOMETips&TechniqueStar rank and Handle rank

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